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VIII Conference on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics (FDIS)
August 4-8, 2025, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico

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FDIS 2025 is the 8th edition in a series of international conferences on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics. These conferences are taking place since 2011 every other year, each time at a new location: Jena (Germany, 2011), Luminy (France, 2013), Bedlewo (Poland, 2015), Barcelona (Spain, 2017), Shanghai (China 2019), Tel Aviv (Israel, 2022), Antwerp (Belgium, 2023).

The conference brings together experts from related fields, such as Riemannian geometry, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, PDEs and mathematical physics, exchanging ideas and sharing methods of study of different problems in integrable systems, applying these ideas and methods in their respective research projects. Synergy effect is expected, and indeed, was demonstrated in earlier editions of the conference.

Naturally, well-known experts and leaders of research groups in the fields of integrable systems are invited, and are asked to give overview talks and share interesting and important problems.

Participants can apply to give talks and an effort will be made to give everybody an opportunity to present their work – by way of organizing parallel sessions for contributed talks, providing shorter slots for such talks, as well as poster sessions. Many such opportunities are given to junior participants. The previous editions of the conference had a very lively atmosphere and we are confident that this feature will remain. In particular, despite of the intense program, generous breaks between talks will be scheduled.

Deadlines for registration and support application: will be posted on this site in January 2025.

Confirmed Invited speakers include:


Scientific committee:

  • Misha Bialy, Tel Aviv U, Israel 
  • Alexey Bolsinov Loughborough U, UK
  • Allan Fordy, U Leeds, UK
  • Sonja Hohloch, U Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Boris Kruglikov U Tromso, Norway
  • Eva Miranda, U Politécnica de Catalunya and CRM, Spain
  • Vladimir Rubtsov, U Angers, France


Organizing committee:

  • Gil Bor (CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico)
  • Vladimir Matveev (Univ Jena, Germany)
  • Sergei Tabachnikov (Penn State Univ, US)
  • Raquel Perales (CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico)


Contact: fdis2025@cimat.mx